Conventional and complementary treatments for Bipolar Disorder: a review.


  • Murilo Henrique de Souza Fernandes imepac
  • Rita Alessandra Cardoso Instituto Master de Ensino Imepac



Bipolar Disorder; Complementary Therapies; Pharmacotherapy


Bipolar disorder is a relatively recently described psychiatric condition in the medical literature and has multifactorial causes. Its main symptom is mood instability and many times, it is lately diagnosed. Bipolar disorder is a chronic disease that affects men and women with equal prevalence. Pharmacotherapy is considered the first choice treatment, but it does not always offer adequate control of symptoms. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate conventional and alternative treatments for Bipolar disorder. The methodology used for the construction of this work was the bibliographic review. It was possible to verify that, although pharmacotherapy promotes some stability in mood and improves the quality of life of patients with bipolar disorder, it should not be the only therapeutic approach, since more consistent results are achieved when pharmacotherapy is associated with psychotherapy, specially the cognitive behavioral therapy, accompanied by psychoeducation about the disease. The pharmacotherapy of bipolar disorder fails to promote adequate control of the disease in a significant number of patients. There is, also, a high rate of quitting the medicine due to persistence of symptoms and/or adverse reactions. Therefore, there is a need for new treatments and for filling a large gap in the scientific literature regarding complementary therapies that can help control this disease. Few scientific studies are available in this regard and more robust evidence is needed to support therapeutic decision-making involving that field.


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How to Cite

SOUZA FERNANDES, M. H. de; CARDOSO, R. A. Conventional and complementary treatments for Bipolar Disorder: a review. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 16, 2023. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v8i16.387. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 oct. 2024.

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