O Aproveitamento da casca de arroz para a produção de cinza e sua contribuição para um meio mais sustentável.


  • Naiara Martins Farias Centro Universitário IMEPAC - Araguari
  • Alexandre Aparecido Machado de Aguiar Centro Universitário IMEPAC - Araguari
  • Nathália Alves de Sousa Dias Centro Universitário IMEPAC - Araguari
  • Mirian Ribeiro Moreira Carrijo Centro Universitário IMEPAC
  • Aline Fernandes Hipólito Centro Universitário IMEPAC - Araguari




Arroz; Cinza; Sílica; Sustentabilidade; Impactos Ambientais.


Rice is one of the most consumed foodstuffs in the world, on the other hand, the generation of waste from its processing process is inevitable. The main objective of the present study was to achieve a desired percentage of silica, through rice husk ash, in order to analyze the possibility of applications in manufacturing processes of materials in the field of civil construction, becoming an economically viable alternative. viable and sustainable. Initially, rice husk samples were supplied from the north and south of the country, then the cleaning and burning process was carried out in the laboratory, through the muffle oven, using a standardization of temperatures and varied times. Subsequently, the ash samples were duly identified and sent for analysis in an accredited laboratory, using the X-ray diffraction methodology. From the test, it was found that the sample that reached the highest percentage of silica was from the North region, presenting 93.8%, with temperature of 650°C for 4 hours. Currently, civil construction represents one of the sectors that most contribute to the degradation of the environment, due to the exploitation of natural resources, which, once consumed, are not capable of being replaced in the short term, in this way, the project enables the use of rice husk, showing alternatives to reduce environmental impacts.


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How to Cite

NAIARA MARTINS FARIAS; ALEXANDRE APARECIDO MACHADO DE AGUIAR; NATHÁLIA ALVES DE SOUSA DIAS; CARRIJO, M. R. M.; ALINE FERNANDES HIPÓLITO. O Aproveitamento da casca de arroz para a produção de cinza e sua contribuição para um meio mais sustentável. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 17, 2024. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v9i17.479. Disponível em: https://revistamaster.imepac.edu.br/RM/article/view/479. Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.

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