Epidemiological Profile of Tuberculosis in the Municipality of Itumbiara - GO


  • Lauany Évellin Pires da Silva IMEPAC Itumbiara
  • Alex Miranda Rodrigues Imepac Itumbiara
  • Ana Carolina de Brito Santos Imepac Itumbiara
  • Letícia Tupinambá Lage
  • Eduardo Pereira Silva Imepac Itumbiara
  • Carlos Eduardo Graça Júnior Imepac Itumbiara
  • Antônio Amaro Aires Neto Imepac Itumbiara
  • Elisângela Franciscon Naves Imepac Itumbiara




tuberculosis, epidemiology, integral health care


Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the ten leading causes of death in the world. In Brazil it is a major public health problem. The coronavirus pandemic has set back many years of progress in essential TB services, the setback is influenced by decreased access to diagnostic tools due to limited human resources and materials available, in addition to the social stigma associated with TB patients due to cough as a recurrent sign. The objective is to discuss epidemiological data related to TB in Itumbiara-GO. Methodology: This is a descriptive study, epidemiological in nature, using a quantitative approach, where the source of data is secondary and in the public domain. We used data from individuals infected by the bacteria, with established diagnosis and registered by the electronic platform of DATASUS, in the section of health information of the Generic Tabulator of Public Domain (TABNET), in the period from 2010 to 2022 notified in the municipality. The variables sex, age group, education, smoking, Diabetes Mellitus, TB mortality, TB-HIV coinfection and treatment outcomes in the studied period were considered. Results: There were 153 confirmed cases, most of the cases are male. There is a predominance of the 40-59 age group when both genders are considered, followed by the 20-39 age group. Conclusion: With this study, it was possible to know the epidemiological profile of tuberculosis in the municipality of Itumbiara - GO in the years 2010 to 2022, indicating the need for goals and intensification of strategies for prevention of the disease.


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How to Cite

PIRES DA SILVA, L. Évellin; MIRANDA RODRIGUES, A.; DE BRITO SANTOS, A. C. .; TUPINAMBÁ LAGE, L.; PEREIRA SILVA, E. .; GRAÇA JÚNIOR, C. E.; AMARO AIRES NETO, A.; FRANCISCON NAVES, E. . Epidemiological Profile of Tuberculosis in the Municipality of Itumbiara - GO. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 16, 2023. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v8i16.402. Disponível em: https://revistamaster.imepac.edu.br/RM/article/view/402. Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.

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