Communication of bad news - spikes protocol: A bibliographic review


  • Nathália Quiel Barros Martins
  • Maria Gabriela Thomazini
  • Marília Tavares Rodrigues
  • Maycon Souza Matos
  • Roberta Ribeiro Souto



Medical Education, Doctor-Patient Relationship, Health Communication, Revelation of Truth


Introduction: The doctor-patient relationship has evolved and, regarding the communication of bad news, this advance was manifested through the SPIKES protocol, which values ​​the revelation of the truth in the transmission of psychologically painful information to the patient and family in a humanized way, seeking to strengthen the bond and mitigate the impacts on the transmission of this information. Objective: to evaluate the use of the SPIKES protocol in the communication of bad news. Methodology: A literature review was carried out based on data present in advanced research platforms and 11 articles were selected, as well as the Código de Ética Médica and documents from the Ministério da Saúde for the theoretical basis of the discussion. Discussion: There was a lack of teaching this method in universities and in continuing education courses, in order to expose unqualified professionals and their patients, since not using the protocol can impact the doctor-patient relationship, as well as enhance the feeling of failure in communication, increasing the chances of developing Burnout Syndrome. Studies point to the relevance of this protocol in medical practice, its benefits and its applicability within the person-centered clinical method. Final Considerations: communicating bad news is frequent for health professionals, making it necessary to apply a simple, practical and didactic technique, such as SPIKES, which provides autonomy to adapt this resource to their personality and reality of each patient, in compliance with the precepts basics of person-centered med.


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How to Cite

QUIEL BARROS MARTINS, N. .; GABRIELA THOMAZINI, M.; TAVARES RODRIGUES, M.; SOUZA MATOS, M.; RIBEIRO SOUTO, R. . Communication of bad news - spikes protocol: A bibliographic review. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 15, 2023. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v8i15.414. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.

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