Satisfaction level of medical students with active learning through the Escape Room


  • Luanna Oliveira Gonçalves Instituto Master de Ensino Presidente Antônio Carlos
  • Camila Miriam Moreira Instituto Master de Ensino Professor Antônio Carlos
  • Leticia Stefani Santos Instituto Master de Ensino Professor Antônio Carlos
  • Maria Clara Silva Peres Caixeta Instituto Master de Ensino Professor Antônio Carlos
  • Hélio Humberto de Freitas Junior Instituto Master de Ensino Professor Antônio Carlos
  • Henrique Pierotti Arantes Instituto Master de Ensino Professor Antônio Carlos



Medical student, Active learning, High fidelity simulation training


Escape rooms are gaming rooms and the objective is to escape from them after completing a certain group of activities. This gamification has been used in health education, aiming active learning, focusing on decision-making, improving communication, teamwork skills and assimilation of technical knowledge. This work aimed to analyze the level of satisfaction of medical students regarding the escape room in a simulation environment. The study in question has a basic science nature and uses a quali-quantitative approach with practical field application and data tabulation by means of a questionnaire. It used the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to evaluate the satisfaction level. Only 2 of the 11 students had prior knowledge about the escape room and its use as a teaching strategy. The participants unanimously agreed that the method is able to intensify and impact the learning process. It was observed that the use of the escape room increased the students' perception of the importance of teamwork, communication development, critical-thinking, content absorption and decision-making. Concerning the level of satisfaction with the activity and how much the student would like this strategy to be introduced at their institution, the calculated NPS for all participants was 100, i.e., the maximum score. In conclusion, the students showed a high level of satisfaction and agreement regarding the adoption of this methodology in the academic curriculum with the use of the Escape Room.


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Author Biographies

Hélio Humberto de Freitas Junior, Instituto Master de Ensino Professor Antônio Carlos

Professor Titular do Centro Universitário IMEPAC (co-orientador)

Henrique Pierotti Arantes, Instituto Master de Ensino Professor Antônio Carlos

Professor Titular do Centro Universitário IMEPAC (orientador)


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA GONÇALVES, L.; MIRIAM MOREIRA, C. .; STEFANI SANTOS, L.; SILVA PERES CAIXETA, M. C.; HUMBERTO DE FREITAS JUNIOR, H. .; PIEROTTI ARANTES, H. Satisfaction level of medical students with active learning through the Escape Room. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 15, 2023. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v8i15.344. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.

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