Correlação entre Vitiligo e Doenças psíquicas




INTRODUCTION: Vitiligo is an autoimmune, chronic and non-transmissible skin disease that leads to changes in skin pigmentation. The aesthetic conditions caused by it generate social and personal demands for the individual, culminating in many cases in psychological illness. OBJECTIVE: To point out the psychological damage present in people with vitiligo, and to analyze the link between the skin disease and mental illness. METHODOLOGY: This is a narrative literature review study with a search on Google Scholar ®️ and Scielo ®️, using the Portuguese and English descriptors


INTRODUCTION: Vitiligo is an autoimmune, chronic and non-transmissible skin disease that leads to changes in skin pigmentation. The aesthetic conditions caused by it generate social and personal demands for the individual, culminating in many cases in psychological illness. OBJECTIVE: To point out the psychological damage present in people with vitiligo, and to analyze the link between the skin disease and mental illness. METHODOLOGY: This is a narrative literature review study with a search on Google Scholar ®️ and Scielo ®️, using the Portuguese and English descriptors "Vitiligo" AND "Psychic Diseases", "Vitiligo" AND "Dermatological Diseases". The inclusion criteria were studies published from 2010 onwards, excluding those from an earlier period and those that addressed other aspects of the disease not related to psychological damage, so ten articles were selected for review, which were approached descriptively. RESULTS: The main characteristic of vitiligo is the presence of depigmented patches. Treatment tools are ineffective, generating profound psychological effects on the sufferer. Among the main damages are anxiety, low self-esteem and depression, as well as others such as anger, memory disorders, personality changes, insomnia and somatic symptoms. In these cases, psychotherapy has proved effective as a form of self-care to improve mental and physical health. CONCLUSION: As it is a prevalent problem that affects the self-esteem and social life of many individuals, vitiligo should be treated in general, with all the necessary dermatological care, but also psychological attention, to promote a better quality of life for patients.


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How to Cite

SILVA ALMEIDA, L.; LAURA MOISÉS DE JESUS, M.; VILELA, M. R. .; NATTAN ASSUNÇÃO SOUZA NUNES; NOLETO, T. O. N.; ROCHA, S. L. R.; MARQUES PACHECO, L. Correlação entre Vitiligo e Doenças psíquicas. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 17, 2024. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v9i17.480. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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