Risk factors for the development of Parkinson's disease and the impact of the diagnosis on patients' quality of life.

Risk factors for the development of Parkinson's disease and the impact of the diagnosis on patients' quality of life.


  • Lucivânia Marques Pacheco
  • Claudia Alves Sacramento Campideli Vasconcelos
  • Fernanda Nassar Modesto
  • Gabriela Carneiro Da Cunha Martins Carneiro Da Cunha Martins
  • Isadora De Freitas Dyna de Freitas Dyna
  • Isadora De Freitas Dyna de Freitas Dyna
  • Iara Guimarães Rodrigues
  • Camila Fernanda Costa Dalla Mutta Resende
  • Herbert Cristian de Souza




Parkinson's Disease; Parkinsonian Disorders; Quality of Life; Neurodegenerative Diseases.


INTRODUCTION: Parkinson's is a neurodegenerative disease, which causes motor alterations and promotes disturbances in physical, mental, emotional, and socioeconomic status, leading to a worsening in quality of life (QoL). OBJECTIVE: To describe the impact of Parkinson's diagnosis on QOL, recognizing the importance of the family and the need for intervention by health professionals. METHODOLOGY: This is a literature review, using the following databases: Scielo, Pubmed, BVS, CAPES and Google Acadêmico. Using the descriptors: "Parkinson's disease" AND "Quality of Life" AND "Parkinson disease" (years 2005-2020). DISCUSSION: Despite being recognized for its motor symptoms, which lead to falls and postural instability, the non-motor aspects are of equal importance. The parkinsonian leads a sedentary life, promoting a decrease in pulmonary functional conditions. In addition, they suffer a disharmony in the phonation process, compromising their communication. Depressive disorders are also very frequent and compromise the daily life activities of the parkinsonian. CONCLUSION: Parkinson's affects not only the physical, but also the psychological and social aspects of the individual, compromising QL. Thus, there is a need for professionals such as speech therapists, physical therapists, physical educators and psychologists to provide technical support and a good quality of life for the parkinsonian and his family.


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How to Cite

PACHECO, L. M.; ALVES SACRAMENTO CAMPIDELI VASCONCELOS, C. .; NASSAR MODESTO, F. .; CARNEIRO DA CUNHA MARTINS, G. C. D. C. M.; DE FREITAS DYNA, I. D. F. D.; DE FREITAS DYNA, I. D. F. D.; RODRIGUES, I. G.; FERNANDA COSTA DALLA MUTTA RESENDE, C.; CRISTIAN DE SOUZA, H. . Risk factors for the development of Parkinson’s disease and the impact of the diagnosis on patients’ quality of life.: Risk factors for the development of Parkinson’s disease and the impact of the diagnosis on patients’ quality of life. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 12, p. 30–34, 2022. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v6i12.255. Disponível em: https://revistamaster.imepac.edu.br/RM/article/view/255. Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.



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