Worsening of migraine symptoms in students using contraceptive methods at the educational institution IMEPAC - ARAGUARI


  • Fernanda Alves Carvalho Centro Universitário IMEPAC ARAGUARI
  • Carlos Henrique de Sousa Ribeiro da Silva CENTRO UNIVERSITÁRIO IMEPAC ARAGUARI




contraceptives, headaches, migraines


Migraine is a neurovascular disease characterized by symptoms of intense unilateral headache with phonophobia and photophobia affecting around 15.8% of people in Brazil, the majority of whom are women.  The use of combined oral contraceptives may increase the risk of stroke and may increase the risk of migraine attacks. As a hypothesis, the use of combined oral contraceptive methods worsens migraine symptoms with greater frequency and intensity when compared to people who use other contraceptive methods or do not use them. In the results and discussion we can see that the use of COC does not have a strong relationship with the onset of headache, but that its symptoms can be worsened with the use of COC, perceiving a correlation between the data, especially in the young population, which demonstrates a high rate of mental health disorders together, but it is worth highlighting that the data did not find statistical validity. It can be concluded the importance of future research on the topic to expand data on the general population and the importance of treatment and use of contraceptives according to the individuality of each patient.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Alves Carvalho, Centro Universitário IMEPAC ARAGUARI

Estudante de medicina do sétimo período do CENTRO UNIVERSITÁRIO IMEPAC ARAGUARI.

Psicológa formada pela UNIFUCAMP conclusão em 2021.

Pós graduada em psicologia hospitalar pela FAVENI.

Pós graduanda em psicanálise pela FAVENI.

Analista de Sistemas pela UNIFUCAMP conclusão em 2016.


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How to Cite

CARVALHO, F. A.; VIEIRA, D.; SILVA, C. H. de S. R. da . Worsening of migraine symptoms in students using contraceptive methods at the educational institution IMEPAC - ARAGUARI. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 18, 2024. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v9i18.537. Disponível em: https://revistamaster.imepac.edu.br/RM/article/view/537. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.

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